3 min readJan 23, 2021



The actions of some people create great influence. They may not be affluent, but their acts influence many. Even ordinary people do extraordinary things. Leadership is not about title or designation. It is about impact, influence and inspiration.

Sindutai, a poor pregnant woman in Maharashtra was illtreated by her rich husband to the extent that she was abandoned in his cowshed and she delivered a girl child there in unhygienic condition without any medical assistance. She and her newborn were protected by a cow from other cattle in the cowshed. She was rejected by her biological family too. She did not have a place to go. She slept in the crematorium with her child. She would collect wheat kept with corpses and cooked them with fire available there for her sustenance. Having dejected in life, she walked to the railway track with the child in her arm to commit suicide. Suddenly she heard a voice calling for help. She immediately rushed to the person who sought for help and saw his plight as crippled, invalid and craving for food. Through that man's voice, she understood that her life has a great purpose to accomplish. She went to the streets begging and fed him. In the meantime she met and gathered many homeless, sick and orphans. Sindutai received donations from many people and she arranged education to such indigent children. Now she runs charitable home in Pune sheltering hundreds of poor children. When she was met, she introduced the girl standing next to her with a beaming smile as her daughter born in the cowshed, now she is a medical doctor, looking after one of the charitable homes. Sindutai, once a helpless woman could offer solace and succour to many unfortunate souls now. It is one of the examples of influence without affluence.

Blessed is the influence of one true loving human soul on another.
A news as appeared in newspaper, a primary school teacher spent about Rs. 35 lacs during corona period to feed the families of her students. She cooked food for 200 persons per day for the entire period from March 2020 to December 2020. Noticing many of her students slept hungry, she took the decision of providing food to the entire community.

In Cuddalore, a retired school teacher saved five girl children when they lost their parents in tsunami. He brought them up and all the five girls became sub inspectors of police and their photograph in police uniform together with their guardian teacher appeared in the paper. A proud moment. Influence without affluence. Some are born great, others achieve greatness.

The influence can be in any form, but to help the humanity in general.
The concept of Miyawaki Forest was introduced in 1970s by Akira Miyawaki, plant ecologist and Botanist of Yokohama National University, Japan. Miyawaki Forest can grow within five to ten years. It has found favour to restore vegetation within a short term. This method has influenced people in many parts of the world to increase the green cover and maintain better environment.

We walk this planet for such a short time. In the overall scheme of things, our lives are mere blips in the canvas of eternity. There are umpteen number of instances that many people voluntarily contribute their mite for emancipation of mankind from sufferings.
'There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that refects it.' - Edith Wharton

